Meet Brand Ambassador: Mia Simone Rush

  1. Please share a brief synopsis of what you do.
I’m Mia Simone. I am a barista and social media marketing guru passionate about all things food, drink and hospitality. When I’m not behind the bar or running social media I can be found binge watching Bon Appetit videos or Law and Order SVU. 
  1. What CFP flavor do you drink and how do you make it?
My favorite is the Original Blend. I like to make a cafe con miel which is coffee with honey, creamy milk ( I use heavy cream), a drop of vanilla extract and top it with cinnamon, nutmeg and salt. Yes, salt! Try it. It will change your life.
  1. How does it fuel your day and/or passion?
Coffee is calming and comforting which helps me focus on the day's activities. 
  1. What is one piece of advice you would share with other women? (quote, inspiration, mantra etc).
“You’re getting better and better as you go so long as you are open to the experience of growing and evolving.” 
  1. What is one thing you are excited about or working towards?
I am excited to share my coffee knowledge and personality with CFP and work towards creating a coffee recipe ebook. 


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