BYOB Series: Lavender Lemon Spritzer

BYOB : Lavender Lemon Spritzer 

Curated by Mia Simone Rush

Bright citrus cold brew with a light floral sweetness, paired with sparkling water makes this refreshing caffeinated pick-me-up perfect for breakfast or brunch.

Brew Ingredients

3oz CFP Lemon Brûlée coffee (French Press grind)

15oz cold water


Lavender Syrup and Spritzer Ingredients

1 cup granulated sugar

1 cup water

1 tablespoon dried lavender

4 ounces CFP Lemon Brûlée concentrate

4 ounces sparkling water

1.5 ounces lavender syrup

1 lemon zest peel

Ice (as needed)


Special Equipment

French press, mesh strainer & potato peeler


Special Note

This recipe calls for cold brew concentrate, which should be made 1 day ahead.

Making cold brew concentrate is a 12-16 hour steeping process that gives coffee a smooth finish and leaves behind any bitterness or acidity. In the end, you are left with a strong concentrated brew that should be diluted with water or milk at a 50/50 ratio.


In a french press combine 3oz of CFP's Lemon Brûlée coffee (French Press Grind or coarsely ground) and 15oz of cold water. Stir, cover and steep for 12 hours at room temperature.

Plunge and strain concentrate into a jar. Store in the fridge until ready to use. Undiluted concentrate can be kept for up to 12 days however it’s best to consume within the first week.

Lavender Syrup and Spritzer

  1. In a small saucepan over medium heat bring water to a boil.
  2. Add dried lavender, reduce heat and simmer, stirring continuously with a spoon until mixture becomes fragrant and water has a sage green tint, 3 mins.
  3. Remove from heat and let cool.
  4. Using a mesh strainer, filter into a  jar pressing gently on lavender to release any excess water.
  5. Add sugar to the jar, cover and shake until sugar is dissolved completely. Set aside.
  6. Using a potato peeler, slice around lemon to create a zest ribbon. Pour 1.5 ounces lavender syrup and lemon zest ribbon into the glass.
  7. Fill the glass with ice.
  8. Add Lemon Brûlée concentrate and top with sparkling water. Stir to combine. Enjoy!




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