Orange Crème Iced Coffee Recipe

What You’ll Need:


How to Make Coffee Ice Cubes 

  1. Brew about 11oz of Chicago French Press Orange Crème Coffee (equivalent to a regular coffee mug).
  2. Pour into Chicago French Press Ice Cube Tray (or large cube tray).
  3. Freeze overnight.

How to Make French Press Coffee

  1. For a single cup, scoop coffee grounds (4-5 tablespoons of coffee grounds per 11oz mug brewed coffee) and add into french press.
  2. Pre-wet the grounds of coffee and allow them to bloom for 30 seconds.
  3. Boil enough water for the mug you are using and pour boiled water into french press.
  4. Stir coffee grounds in the french press,
  5. Let steep for 4 minutes. 
  6. Pour into a glass and refrigerate for an hour

How to Make Iced Coffee

  1. Take out ice cube tray out of the freezer and iced coffee out of the refrigerator,
  2. Place coffee ice in a glass.
  3. Add agave or vanilla syrup over ice. 
  4. Pour cold coffee over Ice
  5. Add cream or milk of your choice. Oat milk is recommended.


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